
Nicholas crombach

"Flock" by Nicholas Crombach was chosen as the winner of the City of Niagara Falls Public Art competition. “Flock” consists of a cast aluminum sculpture depicting three migratory songbirds frozen in flight. Rendered at a larger than life scale, and positioned to create a roughly pyramidal shape, these unique yet unified birds represent three of the many diverse bird species who migrate to and from the Niagara Region each year. 

According to Nicholas, "Flock commemorates the inherent beauty found in spaces and events which bring people together, while at the same time reflecting the natural environment and reminding viewers of our collective duty to protect it. As such, it reflects Niagara Falls itself as a destination which enables vibrant intermingling of cultures and communities, in combination with stunning natural wonders and critical ecosystems.”

"Flock," art piece consisting of three silver birds

jacob headley

"Progress" by Jacob Headley was chosen as the winning mural for the City of Niagara Falls Wilma Morrison Digital Art competition. Wilma Morrison (1929 - 2020) was a Niagara Falls citizen of black ancestry who gave extensive time, energy, and talents to create awareness and appreciation of the contributions made by the many black pioneers and residents of Niagara’s history.

Jacob had this to say about the art piece: "I have chosen to portray Wilma’s portrait as the main focal point of the rendering as this is ultimately a tribute to her and her amazing life and family. When learning about Wilma, she was clearly someone who was deeply loved and respected by those around her. Wilma was, among many things: a mentor, a teacher, a historian. It became very apparent she had a deep passion for the preservation of black history within the Niagara region. This piece is a portrayal of not only Wilma herself but also the history, of which, she was so passionate to help preserve. Wilma was of the opinion that if we do not know where we come from, it will be hard to know where we are going".

Learn more about the artist by visiting https://www.jacobheadley.art/

Mural depicting Wilma Morrison with aspects of Black History coming out of her head

birth of THE ARTIST
dillon douglaS

Dillon Douglas’ vivacious work was selected to run across the 32 meters of the Market Hall, facing Main Street. A detail of it is shown here.

“We wanted to create something supremely vibrant, modern and complex. We didn't want to create just a mural. We wanted to create a manifesto—one of inclusivity, artistic dynamism and freedom. Things that the Niagara Falls Exchange will embody. The mural is about metamorphosis: the artist changes, mutates, evolves--putting themselves on the line, leaping off a ramp into the sky, like the daredevil. It's a story about struggle, possibility and evolution. Near the end of the mural, we also wanted to include a music machine and a tractor to acknowledge the multi-functional nature of the Exchange as a cultural hub and farmer's market--that it's truly a place of community and inclusivity. The two hands that frame the piece hold us together, hold the mural together, hold the community together. We are all part of this story, regardless of our particular identity.”

Mural with colourful joysticks and cartoon explosions



"Brainkite's pinwheel-based sculpture stands as a kinetic testament to the intricate dance of life within the Niagara region's river system. Through its dynamic form and graceful rotations, it captures the essence of the interconnected waterways, embodying the perpetual flow and harmony of nature that defines this picturesque corner of Ontario, Canada."



Artist Statement

river rebels
linday-ann chilcott emily andrews

Digital Collage with wheatpasted paper.

 “River rebels is a tribute to the early daredevils of Niagara Falls who challenged the Niagara River, all in the name of fame and glory. With images sourced from various Niagara Falls history books, as well as the public library’s archives, this collage features real Niagara daredevils and the posters used to advertise their stunts.”

About Wheatpasting:

From Wikipedia: Wheatpaste is an adhesive made from wheat flour or starch and water. It has been used since antiquity for various arts and crafts such as bookbinding, découpage, collage, papier-mâché, and adhering paper posters and notices to walls.

It has also commonly been used by commercial bill posters since the nineteenth century. In particular, it was widely used by nineteenth and twentieth century circus bill posters, who developed a substantial culture around paste manufacture and postering campaigns.



Artist Statement