Barnett Guest Register Details
Parkes, Hiram
Given / Initial | Hiram |
Surname | Parkes |
Town / City | St Catharines |
Province / State / District | Ontario |
Country | Canada |
Visit Date | September 1843 |

Image of the signed register page for Parkes, Hiram.
Other identified names on this page
- Macy
- Baker, Charity
- Bartes, William
- Beamer, Simon
- Blasdel, Catherine
- Brit, Samuel N
- Buckbee, Ceemror
- Caknes, Catharine
- Caruss, C
- Chapple, Rhoda
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Diofer, Lucy
- Disher, Elizabeth Jane
- Disher, Enos
- Disher, Ralph
- Ellinwood, Alice
- Ellinwood, B F
- Ellinwood, Louisa
- Filofield, Mary
- Foster, Jane
- Greig, Hane
- Hall, L
- Hanes, Anna
- Hayars, D C
- Herwood, Alphion
- Hyldaman, Rachel
- Jerry, Charles
- Killman, Elizabeth Elen
- Killman, S
- Lancaster, John
- Lilly, Jane H
- Lundy, B
- Mann, Dane H
- Mcleod, T A
- Metter, George
- Metter, Peter
- Meuper, Mary
- Miller, Mary A
- More, Clementine
- More, Rebecca
- Murray, Samuel
- Myer Daniels, Ezekiel
- Parkes, E
- Pew, Francis
- Rogers, John
- Scholfield, James P
- Scholfield, Mary F
- Sidey, Elizabeth
- Sidey, George
- Tensley, Harriet
- Tensley, James
- Thomas, George W
- Thomas, John
- Tires
- Tires
- Vice, Sarah S
- Watts, Eleanor
- Watts, Henry
- Wiggins, P S
- Wilson, John C
- Wilson, Laure
- Wilson, Manda
- Wright, James